Statement of Faith

At LOGOS Ministries, we believe:

In the Triune God: We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each fully God yet distinct in role and function.

In Jesus Christ: We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atoning death on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His imminent return in power and glory.

In the Holy Spirit: We believe in the Holy Spirit, who convicts the world of sin, regenerates and indwells believers, empowers them for godly living and service, and gives spiritual gifts to each believer for the building up of the Church.

In the Authority of Scripture: We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, revealing God's will for salvation and guiding believers in all matters of faith and conduct.

In Salvation by Grace through Faith: We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by works, and that all who repent of their sins and trust in Christ are born again, justified by faith, and adopted into God's family.

In the Church: We believe in the universal Church, the body of Christ, composed of all believers, and in the local church as a community of faith where believers worship, grow spiritually, and serve together.

In Christian Living: We believe in living a life that reflects Christ's love and teachings, characterized by love for God and neighbor, holiness, integrity, and compassionate service to others.

In the Great Commission
: We believe in fulfilling Christ's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, proclaiming the Gospel, baptizing believers, and teaching them to obey all that Christ commanded.

In the Return of Christ: We believe in the personal, visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ, when He will judge the living and the dead, and establish His kingdom of righteousness and peace.

In Eternal Life: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the eternal blessedness of believers in heaven, and the eternal separation of unbelievers from God in hell.